Szia! My name is Hannah and I’m a rising senior BSBA major. I
had always been interested in social enterprise, but until recently, didn’t
realize the concept had a name! I decided to join the Budapest program to learn
more and to experience Hungary. Since I arrived, we have visited the House of
Terror museum, the Rural Workshop Foundation in Etyek, and have heard lectures
about the European Union and about Hungarian history.
EU Lecture, Eszter Simon
Eszter’s lecture provided a lot of the necessary background for understanding the framework of Hungary's SE and non-profit community. Eszter
introduced the EU’s founding goals as well as the basic conditions for EU membership,
which are: a working democracy, rule of law, a market economy, and respect for
human and minority rights. We learned about the different treaties allowing
the EU to become a legal personality, the bureaucratic process to be
internationally fair and accessible, and structural changes such that additional
countries could join. There is also a punishment system for non-compliance with
EU policies, although there is a limit its enforcement. One thing I found
interesting was the standardization of products across the EU, for example,
specifying what makes something chocolate or a cucumber. This was done
to protect the markets for such goods by preventing entry of international alternatives.
Finally, Eszter talked about the media and the problems faced by organizations
trying to express multiple sides of an issue. The current government is facing
heavy criticism from the EU community for its restrictions on free speech and
free press, which is one of the focuses of my internship.
Hungarian History, Andras Joo

House of Terror Museum
The House of Terror is located in the former secret police
headquarters from the communist rule. The top floors served as the bureaucratic nexus, while the basement was reserved for interrogation and execution of suspected dissidents.
Upon entering, visitors are faced with a dauntingly large wall covered with the faces of the regime's victims. Some were killed for rallying the opposition to the one-party
system, others for expressing discontent with the way things were. The museum
showed the oppression of the Hungarian people by both Nazi Germany and Soviet
Russia, and through the various reconstructed rooms of the former headquarters, gave
us a sense of the intense fear and hardship the Hungarians faced
throughout these periods.
Rural Workshop Foundation, Marta Marczis
Today we traveled to Etyek, a rural white wine region, to
hear from Marta Marczis about the foundation she runs with her husband. Her
organization serves not only to find solutions to problems faced by the rural
poor (and particularly the Roma community), but also to connect the local level on which a development issue is experienced and the
regional/EU level on which the problem is addressed. She talked a lot about the
problems with the overwhelming bureaucracy that organizations in seeking
development funds, requiring “kilos of paper” each time a grant proposal is
created. One interesting project she told us about was a football (soccer)
organization that a local community organized. The football team they formed
gave members a sense of pride and provided a springboard
for learning how to organize themselves and involve their community. From a single team, they grew to an after-school program, then to a regional tournament
organizer, and now to a foundation for “football and development” with
information centers for satisfying basic social integration needs like internet
access and obtaining legal documents… and a lot of football, of course.
A lovely restaurant in Etyek for lunch |
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